Dr Sandra Baker, the Humane Society Research Fellow at WildCRU, recently attended an Expert Forum on Humane Wildlife Management in Vancouver. The forum, held at the University of British Columbia (UBC), brought together international experts on vertebrate wildlife management to inform the development of humane wildlife control standards. The meeting was co-hosted by The UBC Animal Welfare Program and by the BC Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, who will use the discussions to guide the future of their Humane Wildlife Control Standards program for use specifically in BC, and to influence the rest of Canada.
After the forum, Sandra went on to the Compassionate Conservation Conference (also held at UBC, and organised by the Born Free Foundation and the Centre for Compassionate Conservation at the University of Technology, Sydney), where she was invited to present results from her own research on assessing the humaneness of different wildlife management methods, and on the welfare impacts of unregulated spring traps.
Sandra also spoke on her welfare assessment work at the recent Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) conference in Zagreb, Croatia. Professor David Macdonald gave a plenary at the same meeting on ‘Animal welfare: From rough trade to compassionate conservation’.
Sandra Baker and other attendees at the Humane Wildlife Management forum in Vancouver.